There’s been plenty of taking down and digging up, and much more to come, but it’s good to see something being built at last, in this case the kerbing for the paths.. Fabulous cones on the tree behind.
Category: Events
Splendid outdoor gallery around the perimeter
A great selection of paintings from the Pump Room Gardens and nearby is now displayed on the boundary fencing.
Meanwhile, on Saturday 21st July the stones from the retaining wall to the flower beds are laid out ready for reconstruction. There’s a wide variety of forms, from boulders through partly squared stones to fully finished pieces: if only they could talk what a story they could tell!

Rebuilding the walls
A bigger job than one might think: the walls facing The Parade were in a bad way, and the stones seem to have a mixed history. The guys at work have promised to carefully look after the plaque…..
Big machine on the job
Inside the fence: digging under way
In case you can’t easily get to the Gardens regularly we will keep these little news items flowing…
Here you can see that the paths on the west side of the gardens are being dug up, in preparation for complete renewal. I’m wondering who thought it sensible to have the litter bins enclosed within the site area, unaccessible to the public…
Work is really getting under way
Memorial Benches in the Pump Room Gardens
Last chance to see…
June 7th..going, going
Bandstand dismantling work continues apace…..