The submission has been made, all we can do now is wait, fingers crossed. But that doesn’t stop us thinking about all the great things we have planned for the Pump Room Gardens! The aim is to improve the gardens to make them even more attractive and accessible to all parts of the community.
The bandstand will be restored to its former glory, and will be promoted for use by both professional and start-up groups. There will be music and dance to reflect the variety of cultures and ethnic groups living in and around Leamington. Other physical works include: 31 Victorian style benches; new fencing and footpaths; the rebuilding of the steps to York Bridge; addressing drainage issues; new planting at the entrances near the Pump Rooms.
The usual events will take place, and it is hoped that new ones will be planned, including reinstating the annual Vegetable and Flower show which took place every year for about forty years after WWII.
It is also planned that the Pump Room Gardens will be used for a number of activities, including: walking / jogging; themed guided walks; and story telling events.
Watch this space for further details!